If a specific target comes within range while the radar is operating in the Range-While-Search Mode, a Single Target Track Mode can be selected by the pilot for HUD output. Simultaneously, steering commands and weapons launch data are displayed. The system also provides a "SHOOT" cue when it obtains a firing solution. The system sports a Raid Assessment Mode, with a range of 35 miles (56 km). It uses Doppler beam sharpening to examine a specific return more closely to distinguish between a single target or a group of aircraft in close formation.
3.3.4 Boresight Mode
The short-range fire-control modes operate within 23-mile (37 km) and 6-mile (10 km) ranges, which are used with the Sidewinder short-range AAM and the M61A1 Vulcan cannon. Once a target has been selected for attack, the system uses the Boresight Mode if the Hornet is in a traditional tail-chase encounter with the enemy. In this mode, a very narrow 3.3-degree beam scans a small area of sky directly ahead of the aircraft.